General problem:

In 2009, Edward O. Wilson, a Harvard professor dubbed the "Father of Sociobiology," was asked whether humans would be able to solve the challenges and crises that would emerge over the next 100 years. Wilson answered,

Yes, if we are honest and smart...The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology.

General solution:

Develop methods of tracking emotions and coordinating institutions to more wisely use technology.

  1. The blockchain allows for trustless trust as a decentralized and autonomous ledger. Holders can vote in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, improving coordination.

    DAO will save the world

  2. Cryptocurrencies evolve as a speculative store of memetic value to execute code. As the cryptoeconomy grows, so does the ecosystem. DAOs operate like political parties, improving emotion coordination.

Specific solutions: